The Astrology of May

May is finally here and in full bloom, and it’s bound to be one of the most important months of 2018. Astrologically speaking, May marks a huge shift in energy and signals a big, brand new story that will be uniquely unfolding in all of our lives. This new 7 year story is being narrated by the erratic and unpredictable outer planet, Uranus, who is moving out of Aries after a 7 year stay and forward into Taurus on May 15th.

Taurus Season via Oui We

🌑🦂🔥♈️ Change is the name of the game and the best thing we can do is try to embrace it! May starts out still reeling from the old wounds that the Scorpio full moon may have reopened. The moon now wane’s in her glorious light, symbolizing her journey of closure and release from the emotions and revelations of the climactic full moon. Mercury, our planet of communication is still trudging through the fiery ashes of Aries, where last month’s retrograde instructed him to revisit. Mercury in Aries keeps our minds and tongues sharp, as well as rather self-interested.  

♊️🍾💛 Venus, our planet of relationship, is currently gliding through social butterfly Gemini. Venus in Gemini brings a mental emphasis, a lightness, and a general frivolity to our desire nature. It increases our want to be social and makes us long for friendship and parties, perfect for Spring! Venus in Gemini is creatively fertile for writers and wordsmiths alike, as we may find we long to teach, learn, or read something new. Mars, our planet of self assertion, is still climbing up the rocky, obstacle filled mountain of Capricorn. Though his journey sees a long awaited end mid-month, we’re still not out of the woods. Saturn in Capricorn and Jupiter in Scorpio are both moving through their retrograde phases, signaling an intentional need for slowing down and cutting back on any overflow of our current responsibilities and commitments that don’t internally resonate with us.

☁️❣️ May 7th sees a nebulous conflict unfold between our idealizations and our relationships. We may need to make some fresh adjustments regarding the realistic expectations we have of our partners. Fair warning that this aspect can also make us romantically susceptible to people in an illusory way. We can think that someone we meet during this time is right for us in an idealized way that may not stand the true test of time. The life giving Sun also opposes abundance bringer Jupiter the exact same day, prompting us for a day of potential overdoing and overindulging. Fortunately, this opposition shouldn’t be so bad, since Jupiter is the great beneficiary. We will likely be feeling dreamy and optimistic around these few days. Be careful of over committing or biting off more than you can chew. Too much of a good thing can turn bad.

💰🌎🌝 Mercury enters Taurus on May 13th, which begins to slow and stabilize our minds and speech. Mercury in Taurus will have us thinking more seriously about our finances, values, and practical concerns here on earth. May 15th is the big day we’ve all been waiting for, when Uranus enters Taurus. On the same day, in perfect synchronicity, a new moon in Taurus is born. This Taurus new moon is a most fitting beginning, as it sets the stage of newness for that area of life.

⚡️♉️🏠 Uranus is an outer planet that Astrologers look to for both societal and personal shake ups, sudden changes, and bursting insights. In the steady sign of the bull, he breaks up old Earth and the trusted grounds we’ve walked upon. Uranus has been moving through the pioneering sign of Aries since 2011, completely changing the scenery in the Aries ruled house of your chart. Now, after 7 long years, Uranus the change bringer is ready to bring some electricity to your Taurus house. Look to the house that Taurus rules in your chart to see where the earthquakes in your life may be coming. The energy of fiery Uranus in placid Taurus is interesting to picture, for Taurus in itself is a sign that requires steady, stable, peace and calm. Uranus will potentially break things down and change things around in an area of life that you’ve become too complacent and comfortable with. This is a major shift and one of the biggest of the year, as Uranus will be working his feng shui magic in Taurus until 2025!

☮️📣 The very next day on May 16th, Mars enters Aquarius, lightening the heavy Capricorn load of the last 6 weeks considerably. Mars in Aquarius is a more mental placement for the soldiering planet, and will inspire us to put energy and action into the groups and friends we associate with. Mars will give us a boost here to put more work into humanitarian efforts as well - be it feeling the urge to peacefully protest or simply voice your concerns within your community. Also on this day, Mars comes into a tense square with newly ingressed Uranus in Taurus, fanning the flames of tension and allowing for potential outbursts. People in general will be quite irritable, emotional, or unstable on the days surrounding the new moon/Uranus in Taurus ingress, as it will be bringing in totally new stories into people’s lives,  so try to be as patient and understanding as you can with yourself and others.

❤️🦀 On May 19th, Venus moves into Cancer. The planet of love suddenly becomes a bit tired of socializing and staying out late with friends, and turns its eye back homeward. A desire to stay home and be cozy comes on strongly as Venus enters the homebody and family oriented sign of the crab. While Venus is in Cancer’s domain, it’s a great time to host from the comfort of you home. It’s also ideal for meeting up with one’s family or parents and having dinner together. Our craving for sweets comes on strong while Venus is in Cancer, so be aware of curbing the sugar when you know you’ve gone too far! That being said, this is also a great time to bake and cook things at home.

☀️👯 On May 20th, our bright and vitality giving Sun enters Gemini, the sign of the twins. This provides us with a more chatty and curious nature. We may want to get out, explore the neighborhood, and connect more with our local community. This is a great time to learn something new, as our minds activity are heightened towards intaking new information. Gemini season also offers us the ability to write, read, and speak more adeptly! Gemini season wants us to get outside and enjoy the fresh and warm coming of Spring and find our friends and companions to join along. May 25th sees a tense opposition unfold between Venus and Saturn. This aspect can make us quite aware of our separateness from other people. We can feel isolated from our partners in relationships, like we’re misunderstood or not being seen. Venus/Saturn can be kind of a downer, so don’t worry if you’re feeling a little blue or alone, this will pass.

🌕♐️✈︎ The lunar month comes to a climax on May 29th, which oversees the blooming of a bright full moon in exploring, worldly Sagittarius. This is a much more fun full moon, quite the opposite of April’s. Sagittarius energy is warm, active, and enthusiastic. This full moon will have us seeking freedom and wanting to travel to the far off corners of the world. This lunation as per usual brings a strong awareness into our lives about our current situation. The Sagittarius energy imbued in this full moon may have us feeling a crisis around our personal freedom. We may be realizing just how badly we wish to be able to wander, explore, and learn instead of feel chained to our jobs and local lives. Use this full moon to explore your dreams and visions and begin making plans to get out of town!  On the same day, Mercury enters his own sign of Gemini, giving him additional strength for the coming weeks. Mercury in Gemini increases our mental speed much more than when he’s in Taurus. Beware of frying your nerves with rapid, vacillating thoughts! Balance out your hyper mind with some physical activity.

Have a great month of May! Embrace Uranus in Taurus, its gonna be one an exciting ride!


Mack and the Zodiac

Words and image: Zodiac Mack

Mackenzie Greer is an astrologer, palm reader, and photographer based out of Astoria, Queens NY. She studied palmistry for several years under the esteemed Ellen Goldberg at the School of Oracles in the West Village and is currently working to earn her diploma at the renowned astrological institute of Kepler College. She can be found roaming astrology conferences nationwide. Mackenzie is a Cancer sun, Pisces moon, and Leo rising- which ultimately renders her a shy sensitive emotional creature who dons the mask of a happy go lucky romantic. She can be reached out to for any astro-inquiries over at @mackandthezodiac and @mackenziegreer!


The Astrology of June: Enjoy the Ride!


Taurus Season: Return to Nature